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Rosicrucian Documents


Fama Fraternitatis

Included here is the text of the first Rosicrucian manifesto, the Fama Fraternitatis or, a DISCOVERY of the Fraternity of the Most Laudable Order of the Rosy Cross as translated by Thomas Vaughan (Eugenius Philalethes). This is version is presented as it was reprinted in the Rosicrucian Digest, Volume 82, number 1 published Spring 2004. 



ConfessioConfessio Fraternitatis

The Confessio Fraternitatis is the second Rosicrucian manifesto, published first in 1615 in Latin (along with the Consideratio brevis) and later that year in German. Although some English translation manuscript copies have been discovered dating from the 1620's, a complete English version was not published till 1652. Thomas Vaughan, the alchemical writer translated this first English edition. 


Chymical WeddingChymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz

The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz is the third Rosicrucian manifesto and written in a style that is very different from the two first Manifestos (The Fama Fraternitatis & the Confessio Fraternitatis). It describes a journey of initiation that represents the quest for Illumination. This seven-day journey mainly takes place in a mysterious castle where the Wedding of a king and a queen is to be celebrated. Symbolically the "Chymical Wedding" describes the spiritual progression bringing the Initiate to achieve union between his soul (the bride) and God (the groom).     


PositioPositio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis

The Rosicrucian World Convention in Sweden in August 2001 reflected a theme of world peace and harmony among all nations and peoples. It was at this convention that Rosicrucian Imperator Christian Bernard introduced the Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, a document informing the public of AMORC’s position regarding today’s world situation, the dangers threatening it, and the future prospects we wish for all. We hope that you will read the Positio with an open mind and that it will strike a responsive chord within your consciousness.


Appellatio ManifestoAppellatio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis

On the 400th Anniversary of the publication of the first Rosicrucian Manifesto, the Fama Fraternitatis, in 1614, the Rosicrucians publish the fifth Rosicrucian Manifesto - the Appellatio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis - an Appeal for Ecology, Humanism, and Spirituality.

Join in this important work and help to spread this call for action to others, for the good of all humanity, all beings, and our planet!

Your participation makes a world of difference!


The New ChymicalThe New Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkruetz

Inspired by the third Rosicrucian manifesto, the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, published four hundred years ago, the anonymous author of this Rosicrucian manifesto (number six) leads us toward the vision of a better world through an alchemical dream.




Rosicrucian DigestRosicrucian Digest

The official magazine of the Rosicrucian Order, the Rosicrucian Digest is a bi-annual magazine featuring informative articles on mysticism, philosophy, the sciences, and the arts. The magazine is given to members as part of their membership benefits and is also available to the reading public on a subscription basis. Published continuously since 1915, the Digest is a truly unique magazine, and its carefully selected articles are of particular interest to Rosicrucians and their friends. 

How to submit an article to the Digest.


Mystic TriangleMystic Triangle

The Rosicrucian Digest was called the Mystic Triangle in the early years. Read them here.  





Mystic TriangleRosicrucian Archival Documents

Prepared by the Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, this book contains reproductions of original documents referring to the authority, recognition, affiliation, and administration of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. The complete collection of original documents are numerous and are currently stored in the archives of the Order. This book contains the most important and representative examples and is divided into the following sections: Averment; Authority & Organization; Affiliation; Recognition; Administration; and Honorable Mention.


Secret Symbols of the RosicruciansSecret Symbols

Between 1785 and 1788 an unknown Rosicrucian compiled text and images from earlier materials (1621, 1625 and 1700) that deal with Alchemy, Mysticism and other Rosicrucian themes. It was first published in two parts in Altona, Germany. A copy of this work was in the library of the Rosicrucian/Pietist mission to Pennsylvania that became the Ephrata Cloister. The present edition provides translations of the original German text, as well as reproducing the images, which are most suitable for meditation.






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