Editorial Board and Staff


Executive Editor

Claudio Mazzucco, Imperator, AMORC



Julie Scott, Grand Master, English Grand Lodge for the Americas, AMORC


Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Ingrid Young, M.A.


Publications Manager

Joshua Norman, M.S.


Executive Assistant

Wendy Keslick


Lead Reviewers

Rhonda A. Amenu-El, Ph.D.

Joseph Adegboyega Edun, M.S., M.A.

Benedict L. Erho, M.D. 

Hugh McCague, Ph.D.

Nosa Orobaton, M.D., Ph.D

Bryan Young, M.D., FRCPC 



Luis Castro, B.S.E.E., M.A. (PMP)

David Shanet Clark, M.Ed.

Jacqueline Davis, B.A., B.Ed.

Patricia Downes, Ed.D.

Robert Howe, M.A.

Frank Hutchinson, Ed.D.

Cynthia John, B.S.E.D., M.S.

Julian Johnson, M.A.

Joseph Paul, B.S., M.S. Graduate Student

Henry McCann, D.A.O.M.

Nancee McCraw

Olisa M. Okanime, D.D., Ph.D.

Linda Rawles, J.D.

Donald Rice, Ph.D.

Karl Schlotterbeck, M.A., C.A.S.

Jim Schwonek, S.B. (Physics), M.S.

Richard Schultz, Ph.D.

Erica A. Sotilleo, M.S.

Earl Bernard West, Ph.D.



Wendy Keslick, coordinator

Alexis Bulgari

Antoinette De La Flor 

Anne-Marie Kritzler

Sâmara dos Santos Telles


Copy Editors

Myriam Derval

Lynn Marshall, B.Sc., LL.B., LL.M., M.L.I.S.

Caroline Slater, M.A.

Greg McClanahan

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“Healing the divided soul was the shared goal of both alchemy and most religious traditions.”
- Dennis William Hauck, Searching for the Cosmic Quintessence