Freedom and Tolerance: An Essay on Ethical Principles in AMORC’s Traditional Knowledge
by Luiz Eduardo Berni, PhD
Shakespeare the Mystic Poet and a Music that Heals
by Christopher Eriksson, PhD
The Whole and the Part: A Link to the Holographic Principle
by Eric Laguerre, PhD
Survival of Consciousness and the Anticipation of an Afterlife as Based on Current Physics
by Dirk K. F. Meijer PhD
Health Benefits of Detecting Bioluminescence
by Brian Rose
Awakening the Musical Memory of Seniors with Dementia in a Retirement Home
by Christopher Eriksson, PhD
A Look at This Year's Cover: John William Waterhouse's The Soul of the Rose
Understanding the Mystical Writings of Jacob Boehme through Modern Physics
by Christopher Eriksson, PhD
William Shakespeare and Jacob Boehme’s Learning Experiences: Experiential Learning and the Use of Allegory in the Search for a Better Self
by Christopher Eriksson, PhD
The Grand Hourglass of Time
by Roger Franz, MS
Cartographies of the Soul: Challenges to Esotericism
by Lee Irwin, PhD
A Comparison of Two Representative Creation Myths and Their Unconscious Influence on Human Consciousness, Beliefs, and Values
by Cindy John, MS, and Frank Hutchinson, EdD
A Look at This Year's Cover: Nicomedes Gómez's The Cathedral of the Soul
Online Transpersonal Meditation as a Method for Confronting the Pandemic: Traditional Knowledge in Dialogue with Psychology
by Luiz Eduardo V. Berni, PhD
Reckoning the Number of the Beast – A New Approach
by Pedro Carvajal, PhD
Provençal Troubadours, the Love of Beauty that Exalts the Poet, and the Wandering Arabic Minstrels of Islamic Spain
by Christopher Eriksson, PhD
Carpocratian Philosophical Magic
by Gerhard Lechner, PhD
Parallels among the Carpocratians and Ebionites and the Works of Sebastian Franck
by Gerhard Lechner, PhD
Mystical Astrology Behind Self-Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life
by Anne Nordhaus-Bike, BA
Cover Image: This image is titled La Catedral del Alma (The Cathedral of the Soul), painted in 1963 by Nicomedes Gómez.
A Look at This Year's Cover: Nicomedes Gómez's The Cosmic Keyboard
A Imaginação Ativa de Carl Gustav Jung e a Criação Mental de H. S. Lewis: Um Breve Estudo Comparativo
by Luiz Eduardo V. Berni, PhD
English version of the text from the Review Process:
Carl Gustav Jung's Active Imagination and H. S. Lewis's Mental Creation: A Brief Comparative Study
by Luiz Eduardo V. Berni, PhD
Alchemical Symbols on Stećak Tombstones and their Meaning ("Lapis Philosophorum")
by Amer Dardağan, MA
Shakespeare in Tune with Nature and the Universal Rhythm of Life - Birth of “The Fair Youth” of the Sonnets
by Christopher Eriksson, PhD
Synthesising Concepts Underlying Increase in Flow, Self-development, and Reflection with Application to the Creative Process
by Daniel Harris, MRes
Rose of the Occult, Cross of the Revealed: Esoteric Evidence in the Work of Claude Debussy
by Raul Passos, MMus
Solving the Mystery of Vlad Dracula’s Diadem
by Douglas Meyer, BA
Cover Image: This image is titled El Teclado Cósmico (The Cosmic Keyboard), painted in 1961 by Nicomedes Gómez, and is used here with permission from the government of Cartagena, Spain, the owners of the work.
A Look at This Year's Cover: Robert Fludd's Three Lines of Vision in the Body
Adler and Shakespeare – Life Coach, Visionary, Leader
by Christopher Eriksson, PhD
Shades of Skin, Shades of Power: Social Constructionism as the Grand Theory for the Structure/Agency and Reality/Identity Conundrums
by Yuri Tertilus Jadotte, MD, PhD, MPH
Liposomal Vitamin C as a Vindication of an Old Idea
by Lucie Kotlarova, PharmD
An Examination of the Association of Subjects’ Exposure to Contact Healing Treatments to Selected Physiological Outcomes: A Pre-test/Post-test Study Design
by Sixth Degree Research Team, Rosicrucian Order AMORC (Nosa Orobaton, MD, DrPH; Hugh McCague, PhD; Bryan Young, MD, FRCPC; and Shelley Higgins, MA)
The Alchemical World of Oz
by Timothy J. Ryan
The Brain-Mind as a Networked Entity: A Medical Case Study in Consciousness
by G. Bryan Young, MD, FRCPC (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Canada)
Tibetan Sand Mandalas: Creating a Harmonic World
by Dottie K.H. Alt, MSSc
A Look at This Year's Cover: Robert Fludd’s Rose and Cross
The Gnostic Coptic Apocalypse of Paul: A Powerful Gnostic Witness
by Steven A. Armstrong, MA, MAHum, MDiv
A Green Fairy in a Monastery Garden?
by Peter R. Bindon, Australian Ethnography Institute; and Jean-Paul Raynal, Arché-Logis / CDERAD, (Centre de Documentation et de Recherche archéologique Départemental)
The Voynich Manuscript: A New Perspective on a 600-Year-Old Mystery
by Chris Kunferman
P.D. Ouspensky and Esotericism in the New Testament
by Douglas J. Meyer, BA
The Widespread Implications of a Nano-Bio Communication System
by Seppo Vainio, Professor of Developmental Biology, Oulu University
Defining the Psychic Body
by G. Bryan Young, MD, FRCPC; Ingrid A. Hutchinson-Young, BEd, MA; Hugh McCague, PhD; and Peter C. Blanco
Shakespeare’s Veiled Advocacy of Religious Tolerance in Twelfth Night
by Maureen Richmond, MA
Cover Image: Photo of the mural of Robert Fludd's Rose and Cross at the Rosicrucian Cultural Center in New York City. Photo by AMORC. All Rights Reserved.
A Look at This Year's Cover: Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens
De la fermeture des écoles d’Athènes au Concile de Constantinople II : la répudiation d’une tradition antique
par Thierry Guinot, PhD
English version of the text from the Review Process:
From the Closure of the Schools of Athens to the 2nd Council of Constantinople: Repudiating a Tradition Dating Back to Antiquity
by Thierry Guinot, PhD
On the Mysteries of Organic Organisation: The Microcosm and Macrocosm
by Daniel Harris, BSc, MRes
Fourier Analyses of Certain Mystical Vowel Sound Intonations using PRAAT software
by James Schwonek, MSCIS, SB; Ranjie Singh, PhD; Olisa Okanime, PhD; and Nancee McCraw
Musical Scales from Pythagoras to Dr. H. Spencer Lewis
by Robert Waggener, PhD; Lawrence Murray; and Doss McDavid, PhD
Bulwer-Lytton’s Zanoni: A Victorian Adventure in Consciousness
by Maureen Richmond, MA
Cover Image: Colored image of Emblem 21 from Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens (c) 2018 by Adam McLean. All Rights Reserved.
Letter from the Editor
A Look at This Year's Cover: The New Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz
The Perfect Fifth -- The Science and Alchemy of Sound
by John Beaulieu, ND, PhD
The Roots of a Science of Consciousness in Hermetic Alchemy
by Dennis William Hauck, PhD
The Pattern That Connects
by Eleanor MacGregor, BA, MA
The Use of Virtual Reality as a Meditative Neurotechnology
by Ranjie Singh, PhD; Paula Rayo; and K. Nirvana Singh
The Scientific Method and Psi Research
by Patricia Downes, EdD; Shelley Higgins, MA; Frank Hutchinson, EdD; Allen Jackson, PhD; Sara Petty, PhD; Othel Rolle, PhD; and Ranjie Singh, PhD
Letter from the Editor
A Look at This Year's Cover: The College of the Fraternity
Searching for the Cosmic Quintessence: How Alchemists Meditated in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
by Dennis William Hauck, PhD
Preliminary Experiments on Contact Healing, Breathing Exercises, Sounds and Their Responses
by the Sixth Degree Research Team, Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
(Hugh McCague, PhD and Bryan Young, MD, with contributions from Donna Bella, Shelley Higgins, Wendy Keslick, Nosa Orobaton, and Dave Stein)
The Non-dual Root of Science and Religion
by Thomas J. McFarlane, MS, MA
Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Secret of the Holy Grail
by Douglas J. Meyer, BA
Cardiovascular Disease in the Western World – an Overlooked Risk Factor
by Raymond A. Schep, DSc
Cover Image: The Invisible College of the Rosicrucians,Theophilus Schweighardt Speculum sophicum rhodo-stauroticum, 1618. Color version copyright © 2014 Adam McLean.
Medical Pluralism and the Quest for Therapy: The Dilemma of HIV and AIDS Patients in Zimbabwe’s Rural Gandanzara Area
by Godfrey Museka
A Review on Antigravity, Levitation, Resonance, and Devices Inspired by the Ouroboros Serpent
by Christopher G. Provatidis, PhD
Deriving Maxwell's Equations From An Inspiring Walk In The Hills
by Robert Watson and Thomas L. Selby, PhD
Rebuilding the Bridge Between Science and Mysticism
by Paul J. Werbos, PhD
Letter from the Editor
A Look at This Year's Cover: Hidden in Plain Sight
Discovering the "Effective Text": A Method of Esoteric Text Transmission
by Jeffrey S. Durham, PhD
Magic and the Binary Code: Renaissance Christian Kabbalah and Buckminster Fuller’s Tensegrity Structures
by Kathryn LaFevers Evans, MA
Slide Show of Images
How Rosicrucian Friends Concealed and Revealed Shakespeare’s Secrets with Symbols, Clues, and Ciphers
by Helen Heightsman Gordon, MA, EdD
Materia Prima: The Nature of the First Matter in the Esoteric and Scientific Traditions
by Dennis William Hauck, PhD
"Divine Angels" and Vadzimu in Shona Religion, Zimbabwe
by Takawira Kazembe, PhD
Gnostic Imagery from the Beginning of our Era to Today
by Katherine Schaefers, MA
Esoteric Elements in Russian Cosmism
by George M. Young, PhD
Mons Philosophorum
Berg der Philosophen
by Zoran Perowanowitsch
English translation from review process
The Sacred Dance and the Numinous
by Luiz Berni, PhD
Cover Image: Hidden in Plain Sight © 2010 Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
The Transdisciplinarity Connection: An Introduction to an Epistemological Approach to Improve the Dialogue between Science and Tradition
by Luiz Eduardo V. Berni, PhD
The Magnetic Characteristics of Intuition
by Shelley Higgins, MA
Shona Traditional Gatherings
by Takawira Kazembe, MPhil
Pure Colors and Form in My Journey
by Dana Puchnarová, MFA
Cover Image: Frontispiece to an Eighteenth century German work, The Compass of the Wise. Color version copyright © 2009 Adam McLean.
A Look at This Year's Cover: Rosicrucian Secret Symbols
Changing the Exchange
by Diane Dean-Epps, MA
La synchronicité : Une cartographie de la coïncidence
by Pierre Grégoire, MA
The Relationship between God and People in Shona Traditional Religion
by Takawira Kazembe
Tabula Smaragdina Hermetis: Die Weisheit und Aufgabe der Rosenkreuzer
by Zoran Perowanowitsch
English translation from review process
Chromoacoustics: The Science of Sound and Color
by John S. Sultzbaugh, PhD
Magnetic Energy of the Brain
by Michael Bukay, MS and George F. Buletza, PhD, with modern commentary
Consciousness, Mind, And Intelligence: Some Research And Notes
by Antonietta Francini, MD
Trans-Temporal Collaboration: How a Thirteenth-Century Cabalistic Exercise by Abraham Abulafia Inspired a Contemporary Piece of Meditative Music
by Johann Friedrich Wolfgang Hasler, PhD
Score of HaShem
by J.F.W. Hasler, PhD
Audio file of HaShem
by J.F.W. Hasler, PhD
Some Cultural Aspects of Traditional Medicine, Traditional Religion, and Gender in Zimbabwe
by Takawira Kazembe
Martinès de Pasqually et la Gnose Valentinienne
by Alain Marbeuf, DSc
Tristan und Isolde: der Mythos des Christlichen Abendlands
by Françoise Saint-Onge, Docteur en études germanique
English translation from review process
Version française par l’auteur
Essene Ethnicity
by Katherine Schaefers, MA
Letter from the Editor
A Look at This Year's Cover: Rosicrucian Secret Symbols
Shakespeare’s Rosicrucian Revelations in the Dedication to the Sonnets
by Helen Heightsman Gordon, EdD
Insights on the Evolution of Religions and Interreligious Dialogue: Past, Present, and Future
by Linda Groff, PhD
The Effect of Magnetically Shielding a Dowser
by Shelley Higgins, MA
Traditional Medicine in Zimbabwe
by Takawira Kazembe
Les deux mariages en Alchimie
by Emmanuel Le Bouter
(English version from the Review Process)
Voices of Fire - Spiritual Entities and Personality
by David K. Stolowitz, BA
Towards a Unified Theory of Forces
by Pieter C. Wagener, PhD
Causality, 4-Geons and Dark Energy: A Radical View Of Space-Time
by R.E.S. Watson, BA (Oxon), MSc
On the Relationship of the Physiology of the Brain to Spirituality
by Stuart J. Malkin, PhD
Health, Happiness and Disease
by G. Bryan Young, MD and Ingrid A. Hutchinson-Young, MA
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Tierschutz & Mystik aus der Perspektive Einer Rosenkreuzerin
by Dr. Françoise Saint-Onge, Docteur en études germanique (Version française par l’auteur)
Brief Report - Ethnomedicine: The Sweat Lodge Healing Experience: An Integrative Medical Perspective
by Steven KH Aung, MD
Harmony as a Strategy for Beneficial Change
by Richard A. Schultz, PhD
Full Circle: West meets East
by Susan Driehaus, BA
The Sistine Chapel: A Study in Celestial Cartography
by William John Meegan (5.2 MB)
Five and Fifty: A Proposed Solution to "The Virgin" Name Riddle in the Rosicrucian Document, The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz
by Theodore Trenn William
The Oracle: The Lost Secrets and Hidden Message of Ancient Delphi by William J. Broad
Reviewed by Julie Scott, MA
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
Reviewed by Richard A. Schultz, PhD
The Gospel of Judas edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst.
Reviewed by Steven Armstrong, PhD (abd), Rosicrucian Park Research Librarian, San José, CA, USA.
The Short Lunar Cycle and Rainfall
by Joel Rosenbaum, MS
Entanglement, Causality and the Cohesion of Spacetime
by Michael A. Amaral, MD
Exploring the Efficacy of Vowel Intonations
by Melanie Braun, MMus
Rosicrucian Landmarks Preserved in Greek Isopsephia (Gematria)
by Doss McDavid, PhD
Réflexions sur l'atome, la gravitation et l'énergie
by Michel Myara, DEA d'astrométrie et mécanique céleste
Practices Supporting Dzogchen – The Great Perfection of Tibetan Buddhism
by Neal J. Pollock, MA, ND
Newton and the International Year of Physics
by Pieter C. Wagener, PhD
Proposing a New Approach to Mind, Consciousness and Reason
by Robert E. Watson, BA (Oxon), MSc
Meditation from Neurological and Rosicrucian Perspectives
by G. Bryan Young, MD
On the Feasibility of Time Travel and Its Implications
by Michael A. Amaral, MD, FACS
The First Generation of Manichaeans and Other Communities in the Egyptian Deserts: Methodology, the Available Evidence, and Conclusions
by Steven Armstrong, PhD (cand)
Science et Connaissance
by Michel Bénot, DEng
Mind-Body-Spirituality and Health Interactions
by Lonnie C. Edwards, MD
Spirituality for the Skeptic: The Thoughtful Love of Life by Robert C. Solomon
Reviewed by Karen Wark PhD (abd)
Rethinking “Gnosticism”: An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category by Michael Allen Williams
Reviewed by Steven Armstrong PhD (cand)