This is our premier issue, and we are pleased to present the first set of papers accepted for publication in the Rose+Croix Journal, an international, transdisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal that focuses on topics that relate to the sciences, history, the arts, mysticism and spirituality, especially transdisciplinary topics that traverse and lie beyond the limits of different fields of study.
This inaugural issue features the following papers: On the Feasibility of Time Travel and Its Implications by Michael A. Amaral, MD, FACS; The First Generation of Manichaeans and other communities in the Egyptian Deserts: Methodology, the Available Evidence, and Conclusions by Steven Armstrong Ph.D. (cand); Science et Connaissance by Michel Benot, Dr. Eng.; and Mind-Body-Spirituality and Health Interactions by Lonnie Edwards, M.D. These papers successfully explore transdisciplinary topics and expand our understanding of the natural laws around us.
The abstracts of each of these papers are published in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. The papers themselves are published in the author’s native language.
Also included in this issue are book reviews, currents, dissertation searches, research links, archival documents of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC and information on how to submit a paper. The submission deadline for the next issue of the Rose+Croix Journal is February 15, 2005.
Many thanks to the authors of these papers, the Review Board, Editor-in-Chief Julie Scott, Managing Editor Lisa Rubarth, and the team at the English Grand Lodge for the Americas who planned and launched this journal.
Christian Bernard
Executive Editor