I am very pleased to present to you the 12th Volume of the Rose+Croix Journal on the occasion of the Solstice. Since its founding in 2004, the Journal has provided readers and researchers with materials that enlighten, educate, challenge, and inspire.
The collaborative work of some of our papers is the fruit of the very energized Rosicrucian research teams that work in conjunction with the Journal. Some Rosicrucian Affiliated Bodies and Conventions are using papers from the Journal for interesting discussions with Members and Seekers.
Our papers from all volumes of the Journal continue to be on to the important listing service academia.edu to provide access to a wider audience of scholars, and the Journal receives regular feedback of how many scholars are accessing them.
The Rose+Croix Journal is an international, transdisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal that focuses on topics that relate to the sciences, history, the arts, mysticism, and spirituality, especially transdisciplinary topics that traverse and lie beyond the limits of different fields of study.
This issue features the following papers:
“De la fermeture des écoles d’Athènes au Concile de Constantinople II : la répudiation d’une tradition antique [From the Closure of the Schools of Athens to the 2nd Council of Constantinople: Repudiating a Tradition Dating Back to Antiquity] by Thierry Guinot
“Fourier Analyses of Certain Mystical Vowel Sound Intonations using PRAAT software” by Jim Schwonek, Ranjie N. Singh, Olisa Okanime, and Nancee McCraw
“Musical Scales from Pythagoras to Dr. H. Spencer Lewis” by Robert Waggener, Lawrence Murray, and Doss McDavid
“On the Mysteries of Organic Organisation: The Microcosm and Macrocosm” by Daniel Harris
And in the Currents Section:
“Bulwer-Lytton’s Zanoni: A Victorian Adventure in Consciousness” by Maureen T. Richmond
These papers successfully explore our subject areas and transdisciplinary topics and expand our understanding of the natural laws around us. The abstracts for each of the papers are published in English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Also included on the Journal’s website are tools for dissertation searches, research links, archival documents of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, and information on how to submit a paper. The submission deadline for the Rose+Croix Journal is February 15 each year, however, authors are encouraged to submit their papers for the peer-review process as soon as they are ready. Both Rosicrucian members and non-members are invited to submit papers for consideration.
If you would like to join our team of volunteers working on the Rose+Croix Journal, please let us know. All areas and levels of expertise are welcome, including reviewers, translators, copy editors, and proofreaders.
Christian Bernard
Executive Editor